- 1995: “The Gulf War and the New World Order: International Relations of the Middle East,” eds. T. Y. Ismael and J. S. Ismael. CIRA Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 3 (spring), pp. 9-10.
- 1992: “Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism: The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini,” by H. E. Chahabi, Iranian Studies.
- 1992: “The Poverty of Nations: A Guide to the Debt Crisis,” ed. Elmar Altvater, et al., Choice (April), p. 490.
- 1992: “Aid and Power: The World Bank and Policy-Based Lending,” in two volumes, by Paul Mosley, et al., Choice (April), p. 486.
- “Political Economy, Ideology, and the Impact of Economics on the Third World”, by Gondwe, Derrick K., Praeger, 1992, 192p, in American Library Association, 30-1611, HB98, 91-37624 CIP, November 1992.
- 1991: “Comparative Political Economy,” by Jan-Erik Lane, Choice (September), pp. 482.
- 1991: “Recolonization: GATT, the Uruguay Round and the Third World,” by C. Raghavan, Choice (September), pp. 490.
- 1991: “Social Change and Development: Modernization, Dependency, and World-System Theories,” by So Alvin Y., Choice (January), pp. 433.
- 1991: “Today’s Problems, Tomorrow’s Solutions: The Future Structure of Muslim Societies,” ed. by Abdullah Omar Naseef, in Choice.
- “Social Change and Development: Modernization, Dependency, and World-System Theories”, by So, Alvin Y., Sage, 1990, 283p, in American Library Association, 28-2837, HD75, 89-28110 CIP, Jan 1991.
- “A Prologue to National Development Planning”, by Jamshid Gharajedaghi, in Studies in Comparative International Development. Fall 1989, pp. 94-95. A shorter version in Choice (May 1987), pp. 393-94.
- 1989: “Development, Administration and Aid in the Middle East,” by Gerd Nonnenman, in Choice (September), p. 519.
- 1989: “The Making of Contemporary Algeria,” by Mahfoud Bennoune, in Choice (September):481-82.
- “A Prologue to National Development Planning”, by Jamshid Gharajedaghi in collaboration with Russel L. Ackoff, New York: Greenwood Press , 1986, 210p, in Studies in Comparative International Development, vol. 24, no. 3, Fall 1989.
- 1988: “Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era,” by Mordechai Abir, in Choice (May), p. 305.
- 1988: “Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor,” by Nathan Godfried, in Choice (May), p. 369.
- 1988: “Unequal Alliance,” by Robin Broad, in Choice (December), pp. 392-93.
- 1988: “Institutional Development,” by Arturo Israel, in Choice (November), pp. 423
- 1988: “Regional Economics and Policy,” by Harvey Armstrong, in African Urban Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 4 (November), pp. 467
- 1988: “Does Aid Work? Report to an Intergovernmental Task Force,” by Robert Cassen and Associates in Choice (February), pp. 412.
- 1987: “The Economics of the Oil Crisis: Theories of Oil Crisis, Oil Rent, and Internationalization of Capital in the Oil Industry”, by Cyrus Bina, in CIRA Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 1 (spring), pp. 13-14.
- 1987: “The Geography of Third World Cities”, by Stella Lowder, in Choice (October), pp. 485.
- 1987: “Iran and the West: A Critical Bibliography,” by Cyrus Ghani, in CIRA Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 2 (fall), p. 5.
- “Iran and the West: A Critical Bibliography”, by Cirus Ghani, London: Kegan Paul International, 1987, 967. Choice
- “Regional Economies and Policy”, by Harvey Amstrong and Tim Taylor., New York: Humanities, 1985, 340p, in African Urban Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 4, November 1987.
- “The Socialist Third World: Urban Development and Territorial Planning”, Edited by Forbes and N. Thrift, London: Basil Blackwell, 1987, in Economy Geography.
- 1986: “Significance of Space in Regional Development”, African Urban Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 3-4, (August-November), pp. 246-47.
- 1986: “Foreign Trade and Investment: Economic Development in the Newly Industrializing Asian Countries”, ed. Walter Galeman, Choice (March), pp. 361-62.
- 1986: “The Creation of Regional Dependency”, by Ralph Matthew, 1 African Urban Quarterly, vol. 1. No. 1 (January), pp. 66- 87; a shorter version in Choice (June 1984), pp. 502.
- 1986: “From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam”, ed. Said Amir Arjomand, Iranian Studies, vol. XIX, no. 1 (Winter), pp. 104-07.
- 1986: “International Debt and the Developing Countries”, Ed. G.W. Smith and J.T. Cuddington, Choice (February), pp. 404.
- 1986: “Capitalism and Public Policy in the UK”, by T. Burden and M. Campbell, Choice (April), pp. 534.
- 1986: “A Question of Class: Capital, the State, and Uneven Development in Malaya”, by J.K. Sundagam, Choice, (December), pp. 426.
- “Metropolitan Management: The Asian Experience”, by K.C. Sivaramakrishnan and L. Green, Choice, (December 1986), pp. 424-5.
- “From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam”, Edited by Said Amir Arjomandi, State University of New York, 1984, xxi + 256pp, in Iranian Studies, , vol. XIX, no. 1, November 1986.
- “Significance of Space in Regional Development”, by Charles Gore, London: Methuen, 1984, 290p, in African urban Quarterly, vol 1, no. 3 and 4, November 1986.
- 1985: “Equilibrium Approach”, by Allen C. Kelly and Jeffry G. Williamson, Choice (May), p. 688.
- 1985: “Housing and Urban Development in the USSR”, by Gregory D. Andrusz, Choice (September), pp. 378-79.
- 1985: “Cities of the World: World Regional Urban Development”, ed. Stanley Brunn and Jack F. Williams, Journal of American Planning Association (winter), p. 118.
- 1985: “The Political Economy of Nationalism”, by Dudley Seers, Choice (January), pp. 477-78.
- 1985: “Shelter in Saudi Arabia”, K. Talib, Choice (March), p. 104.
- 1985: “Technology, Finance, and Development: An Analysis of World Bank as a Technological Institution”, ed. Charles Weiss and Nicolas Jequier, Choice (March), p. 8.
- 1985: “What Drives Third World City Growth? A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach”, by Allen C. Kelley and Jeffrey G. Williamson, Choice (May), p. 688.
- 1985: “Development Theory in Transition: The Dependency Debate and Beyond: Third World Responses”, by M. Blomstrom and B. Hettne, Choice (December), p. 428-29.
- “Cities of the World: World Regional Urban Development”, by Stanley Brunn and Jack F. Williams., Harper & Row, New York, 1983, 506p, in APA Journal.
- “Unified Approach to development Analysis Planning”, by Ahmad Ashraf, Praeger, 1972, in United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, August 1972.