Category Archives: Blog

19 Jan

AIC Statement – Menendez – Kirk Sanctions Bill

While Iranian and American officials are negotiating over the nuclear issue, the US Congress is pushing for new sanctions legislation. Even before it is finalized, drafts of the “Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015,” co-sponsored by Senators Bob Menendez ...

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30 Dec

The Nuclear Negotiations – The Melting Strategy and the Missiles Time Bomb

Given the secrecy of the P5+1 negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, it is hard to surmise the concessions being made or the structure of a final settlement. However, one thing is becoming increasingly clear: the path to a nuclear deal ...

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29 Dec

Iran is no Cuba

President Barack Obama’s move towards normalization of relations with Cuba has generated lots of hope and analyses that a similar development may take place with Iran. Jim Lobe, founder of the Lobe Log and Washington Bureau Chief of the Inter ...

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18 Aug

US-Iran Relations: Learning from Experience, Marching Toward Reconciliation

By Hooshang Amirahmadi, Ph.D. With some success in the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, hopes have been raised that the US and Iran may be able to conclude a final nuclear deal and then build upon it to ultimately mend ...

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